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Kevin the BOLD
Back in the mid 60s, I had an afternoon paper route where a truck would drop off a couple of huge bundles of papers that I had to fold and put rubber bands around before loading them on my bike. I constantly had printer's ink on my hands and newsprint aroma in my nostrils, and I loved it! I saved not only comic strips, but the editorial cartoons (Paul Conrad at that time), and news photos that I would practice drawing from. On Sundays, I regularly clipped Prince Valiant, Steve Canyon, The Green Berets by Joe Kubert, Pogo, Peanuts, and a bunch of miscellaneous.
In the interest of full disclosure, I've cleaned these scans up a little, to get rid of the worst of the bleed-through from the other side (Bugs Bunny—yuck), and I've accentuated skin blush. In the 30s and 40s skin blush was beautifully displayed throughout the comics, but by the 60s, colorists didn't want to be bothered much with subtleties and comic page people always looked washed out. Well, these days I don't have to put up with that crap!

And Leonardo put in some time in the strip. How cool was that!
Angelina is a fine looking lass, isn't she?
If anyone has good scans of Kevin the Bold, or other earlier strips (like the Alley Oop time travel Sundays) PLEASE drop me a line. Like anyone is even looking at this blog, or ever will.
Looking now - will continue! Great stuff, thanks very much!
Estimado THOM:
Esta es mi primera visita a tu blog y encuentro gran cantidad de historietas interesantes.
"Kevin the Bold" fue una de mis favoritas desde hace años. Si buscas en mi blog: CHIQUIRRITIPIS.BLOGSPOT.COM/
en la etiqueta COLLINS -Kreigh, encontrarás varias páginas de "Kevin" e ilustraciones de Collins.
Un cordial saludo y hasta pronto.
Gracias. Me gusta tu blog también.
Just foound your site with the Kevin the Bold posting. Kreigh Collins and his family lived near us back in the day, and because Kreigh and my dad were both sailors, they were good friends. Kreigh was an illustrator and I have seen a very deatailed pen and ink illustration of his showing an English village circa 1100AD Thank you for keeping a little of his art work alive.
How wonderful! What a great legacy. Any chance that you have a scan that you can share?
Thank you for posting these Kevin the Bold pages. I've heard of it through the years but never seen samples. Beautiful.
We've all thrown comics out and wish we hadn't. I had some Steve Canyon and Li'l Abner.
Thank you so much for posting these.
In 1958 my parents read this strip and named me after Kevin. I have never seen this strip before. Too bad I didn't find this site before dad passed in 2011.
Again thank you. We through so much away that we don't realize would be fascinating to others in the future. I have been trying to preserve some of my grandmother's legacy. She was born in 1912 before Arizona was a state and lived over 100 years. So much history.
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