Friday, November 20, 2009

Danseuse Orientale

Umberto Brunelleschi. Wonderful name. Full of wonder illustrator, of which a Paris critic wrote: 'His art has nothing realistic about it. He would not know how to evoke modern life with its huge factories and streets full of people. But the world of fiction, which is so much more beautiful than the world of men, that he makes real.'

Umberto Brunelleschi—Danseuse Orientale—c 1920


  1. hmmmm i've seen some other version of this somewhere....

  2. what happened to your question for me?

    i guess i was thinking of this one but i had thought i remembered one that was more of a line drawing (with color)

  3. I was going to rephrase the question for you. I deleted it and then the phone rang. Suddenly it's the next day.

    Wow. I see what you mean. That's a nice example. Some artists like to come at a graphic problem from a number of angles. I'm going to post this next. Thanks.

  4. Gorgeous !
    Both Brunelleschi pieces are fabulous.
