Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Let's do one more go-round with Disney Pinocchio pre-production art, with all of these being Gustaf Tenggren's fantastic creations. Tenggren had been hired solely to create watercolor art for the purpose of inspiring the animators and background artists.


As great as the final film is, imagine if Tenggren's art was strictly adhered to for characterization, composition, color, mood and atmosphere. Perhaps in some parallel universe . . .

And mayhaps we see some primary inspiration for Peter DeSeve (?).


  1. Hi Thom,
    I love his Blue Fairy, the aerial view of the town, the expression on Pinocchio's face when he's talking to Stromboli, the ultra-pointy nose for the fox, and the underwater scene. doesn't even credit Tenggren as an illustrator for the film. Do you know if he did any studies for Jiminy Cricket?

  2. I have one sketch that may or may not be his for Jiminy. I'll have to look at it closer and let you know. Somewhere out there is a whole big parcel of Tenggren's Pinocchio renderings. I hope someone has collected them somewheres.

  3. I'm with you Thom. The Tenggren work would have been all the inspiration necessary to design the film.
