Monday, February 18, 2013


If ever I have a tombstone, this is probably what it will look like.*

* But I'm more likely to be downloaded into an external drive.

Or as Deb points out in the comments, 
maybe be uploaded to the cloud, 
depending on what kind of life I've lived.


  1. I hope to be buried under a faerie ring (circle of mushrooms), that should guarantee an afterlife.

  2. make arrangements to be uploaded to the cloud

  3. Larry—wonderful idea, live in the 'other realm'.

    Deb—dang, that's a good idea.

    That's the 21st century cyber dilemma—have we lived a life where we'll be downloaded or uploaded?

  4. Beautiful tombstone Thom. I suppose you'll be uploaded to the cloud, but, you can also have an actual and genuine tombstone somewhere, can't you? For the time being, stay with us please! :)

  5. Thanks, Sim. My plan is to be around 30 more years, and then all bets are off. My wife is hellbent on not spending money on granite stones but would rather use the cash to get my ashes to Scotland, home to my spirit.

  6. LOL, hope you don't mind if I reblog this and cite you in my post on blogging and procrastination, August 5, 2013...

  7. It should say "He shared himself through images" :) for which we are very grateful!
