Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday, Kelly Sunday

Now as if you don't get enough Pogo over on Pogo in Pandemonia, we have this thing here on this blog where every Sunday is Kelly Sunday and we show, in order, Sunday strips from exactly 45 years ago from this date, cuz, like, well, y'know, that year had the same dates on the same days as this year.


  1. Wasting time? Sir, I LIVE for Kelly strips on Sunday mornings lately! Kove them opening panel trees every Sunday!

  2. Isn't "sick of Kelly stuff" an oxymoron?

  3. Sick of 'em? HECK NO! I love 'em! Keep them coming please! ;-)

  4. Emmett Kelly, Grace Kelly, Gene Kelly, Ken Kelly...I suppose I could get sick of them.
    Walt Kelly - never!

  5. ALRIGHT! My kind of people! As long as you kove them, I will post them!

  6. I never will get enough Pogo Sun in color. So keep them coming. nice that they jibe with our current dates. charlie

  7. There was only one Walt Kelly. Keep it up!

  8. It's good to know there are Kelly fans out there keeping his spirit alive. I knew 45 years ago there would be some reason I should keep clipping and storing.
