But as most always is the case, before motion pictures are put into motion, artists are called upon to be visualists, taking high-flying concepts and bringing them to earth, visualizing a semblance of reality, allowing them to truly take flight. In this case a terrific team of technical artists came together to give life to a new way of making films.
Final logo design by Syd Mead, using backlight composite technique by Richard Taylor, John Scheele, Marta Russell and Douglas Eby
An earlier design by Syd Mead
An even earlier concept by Chris Lane
Illustration by Richard Taylor of the carrier bridge in Sark's map of domains
Concept drawing of an electronic cave interior by Harrison Ellenshaw
A background by Peter Mueller
A helmet design by Moebius
And more costume designs by Moebius
A Peter Lloyd colorization of a Moebius character concept
A circuit pattern costume design by Syd Mead
A costume design for 'Yori' by Syd Mead
A costume design for 'Yori' by Moebius
A preproduction illustration by Peter Lloyd based upon Syd Mead's design
Concept design for a Solar Sail by Moebius
The final design for the Solar Sail by Moebius
The Solar Sail parked in its hangar
The concepts go on and on, but this is a good sampling
Awesome! I don't think the new movie will accomplish as much visually.