Saturday, December 11, 2010

December 11


  1. Great ! I love the first one, the Carter Goodrich one. If you have any more by him I'd love to see those.
    Thanks Thom.

  2. Carter Goodrich rules...I wish he had an online presence!

    Great Blog!!!

  3. Hi Larry, hi Vincenzo. I've got a few more Goodrich's—I just need to locate them here in this labyrinth of material.

  4. I'm really digging these New Yorker covers.

  5. I'm really glad Jeff, cuz there's a lot more to come!

  6. My first time in your excellent blog! Beautiful! I love pictorial art. I'm brazilian and we have great artists here, too. One of them was J.Carlos (1884-1950), the best brazilian illustrator of 20th century!
    I will follow your blog!
    Have you a Wonderful Xmas!

  7. Rodrigo—thank you.

    I like J. Carlos' style very much. I would love to post about him if I had some good resolution jpegs. If you, or anyone could share those, that would be great.

    I hope you have a great Christmas too.
