Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Pretty Little Volume

These are some Georges Barbier illustrations from a pretty little volume entitled The Romance of Perfume, from 1928, containing some interesting text as well.


  1. These are beautiful! Thank you.

  2. "Published by Richard Hudnut": R.H. was a large cosmetics manufacturer; does this little tidbit include advertising for their products? Or is it a serious attempt at a history of perfume? At 46 pages it can't be very thorough... Very pretty, though.

  3. It was a poetically serious attempt at history, actually interesting and inspirational in a sensuous way. It's like a lovely dissertation right on the beam for its title, the ROMANCE of perfume. There was an insert in the back, but I can't recall if that was advertising or something else. I traded off the book some time ago, and I scanned all the text pages, but not the insert.

    Really, a lovely book.

  4. I have this book !
