Friday, May 27, 2011


As I complain about the decline and downfall of the quality of graphic illustration, I always know there have been exceptions—LOTs of 'em—over the decades. I certainly don't mind change in general—different styles, experimentations, exaggerations. It's only when art and design become dry and lifeless, dull and unmemorable that I am disheartened.

Ah, but those exceptions always make it worth paying attention. I clipped this Steve Madden ad to put in the morgue, but short-sightedly didn't think to put the date on it (who knew back then I would someday put it up for the world to see), but sometime in the 80s or 90s. Maybe you can date it with those boots.

Anyway cool fashion ad:

Sorry, don't know the artist. Anybody know?


  1. Reminds me of Michiko Stehrenberger

    Haven't heard much about her in years.

  2. Thank you for the kind words! The Steve Madden magazine ad was done in either 1998 or 1999.

    Happy you've enjoyed the work!

    - Michiko (at michiko dot com ;)

  3. Michiko! Yay! Please email me, I've got questions!
