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National Cartoonist Society
I ate, lived and breathed cartooning in my teens. I didn't just clip and collect, I wanted to BE a cartoonist. I drew and drew, created strips and samples, paid for and participated in the Famous Artists Cartoon Correspondence School. It's a wonder I didn't become a cartoonist. I DID learn to cartoon, but other interests, from theater to journalism and finally the Draft Board itself dragged me to other pursuits. Oh, I cartooned hear and there, for the Army and different advertising gigs. But I never did a strip and I heave a heavy sigh when I say that. But I love the strips, well, that is, the old strips. Comic strips today leave me cold.
I love the roll call of all these cartoonists on the letterhead. I only just now see that Gil Kane was once the official Historian.
And hey, Mort, I want to talk to you about that Album that I paid for and never got...
That's an amzing and rare piece of art. Might I display it at my Wood blog?
Yes you may. I was hoping you would be interested.
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