HOW can I post more than 5 images at a time for each post? When I post images, the blog will not accept a 6th or more image. I see other blogs that post 50, 60, 70 at a time. Five limits me from doing a whole post. Five keeps me from showing you the best parts . . .

Hey, thanks!
I did it by uploading pics to picasa, then putting the links in a post as code rather than using blogger's picture tool. Good luck!
You can post as many pics as you want on one post. True, you can only upload up to five at a time, but you can keep uploading until you've posted all the pics you want in that same post. The trick is to keep them all in order, since you have to drag each individual pic into whatever position you want, which is quite tedious and time-consuming. Oh, and remember to hit the "save" often so you don't lose all of those precious pics.
One more thing: make sure when you upload your multiple pics that you choose the "none" layout option, that way you can stack your pics side-by-side and row-by-row.
That's how I do it. Hope that helps. Maybe someone has an easier way? If there is, I wanna know, too!
Blogger will only let you load five pictures onto a post at a time, but you can keep going after that. Just hit the picture icon again and load five more images, etc.
simple, after you've loaded the first five, just click the pictures icon and do the same procedure all over again and add 5 more or 3 more, whatever.... just lather, rinse, repeat
Thanks guys! Well, that worked, as you can tell by the next post. Lather, Rinse, Repeat!
Hey, does anyone want this young lady posted withOUT her '5' obfuscating her?
you ask a silly question my friend :)
Without the 5? Hello!
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