Below, talk about awkward family photos. That's me, with my brother on the left, way back in '57, trick or treating ('course my mom didn't get around to developing the film 'til the following January, which for us was perty fast). I have no recollection as to why my brother was inhabiting that particular persona, and let's not ask him as I feel it's a repressed memory for the guy.
I don't expect one person to pluck this photo, but it's cathartic for me to post it.

Those are pretty scary costumes!
It's pretty scary that I didn't just burn this photograph.
Hi Thom,
Which left, yours or the viewers? Those are some quite odd costumes, especially the masks. Are you the "scarecrow," or wearing the jumpsuit with the airplanes? My favorite costume, year after year, was a conglomerate gypsy outfit, wearing a homemade skirt, a school blouse and shawl, a red and torquoise scarf of my mother's and a silver concho belt. I still have the scarf and the belt, tucked into a box somewhere in my bedroom closet. Thanks for posting this! My husband, son and I had great fun last night, with a small get together, and the kids trick or treating. We love Halloween.
Hi Annie--
I'm the clown with the airplane jumpsuit. I was 5, my brother was 11. Oi, that's painful to look at.
Your gypsy outfit sounds sensible and festive.
We only had one set of kids come by trick or treating—they were so cute. But where were all the others? Our daughter carved a terrific jack-o-lantern and so quickly! We love Halloween too!
We had lots of kids, but not as many as last year. Light rain, and being a school night, slowed things down. My son is sixteen, but our whole neighborhood gets into Halloween, and even high school kids go out trick or treating. The best thing about the gypsy outfits- my little sister and I got to wear costume jewelry, and lipstick! We were other things, too, but those are the costumes I remember best. Re: Mary Engelbreit, I know her work is often sacharrin, but I love most of it. Bright is a good way to describe her.
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