Hmm, this is confusing. I thought this author was Elizabeth Pennell, wife of Joseph Pennell, the artist—both of the late 19th, early 20th centuries. But her full name is Elizabeth Robins Pennell, and these initials certainly look like E. A. P.
I still thought perhaps the illustration was by Joseph Pennell, but no, it was by B.J. Rosenmeyer.
Yet, both Joseph and Elizabeth wrote and illustrated a book about the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer . . . so, is this author related to them?

B.J. Rosenmeyer — In Chaucer's Youth
St Nicholas magazine — May, 1903

B.J. Rosenmeyer — In Chaucer's Youth
St Nicholas magazine — May, 1903
Hi Thom,
You know, the "A" could be a very badly illuminated "R."
I love the illustrations. I'm always impressed with the quality of art in St. Nicholas Magazine.
Well, Annie, I checked the volume index and it's listed as an 'A' in regular Times Roman Italic. So, it's still a mystery of sorts.
I have some of these earlier St Nicholas magazines, but I'd love to see some of the later ones when color was utilized on the interior illustrations.
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