This is an image I have floating on my iPad and so can post it so as to give you SOMEthing to look at. This kind of early graphics cheers me up, just looking at it. It sort of seems to have been an influence on people like Bobby London. Maybe not.
Anyway, please keep coming back. Sooner or later I'll be back to business as usual.
The CartoonStock Cartoon Caption Contest No. 190
38 minutes ago
It does not surprise me that Donald Duck is a plutocrat. ;D
I take it that's Mickey in the red coat? I prefer that look to the flesh-coloured, eyes-with-'circles' version.
Actually, Kid, I believe that's one of Mickey's nephews. Ferdy or Morty I think they're named. I despise the flesh-colored version, circle eyes version.
Actually, up until after JFK, most presidential candidates would wear top hat and tails to formal occasions (see JFK's inaugural pictures).
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