Ay yi yi, my computing machine is loco. I'll take it to the witch doctor's hut tomorrow and hope for the best. I may have to bury something nasty at the foot of my bed, or whatever it takes.
Hey Jeffy, I don't know yet how ya did in the 24 hour comic book thingie. I'll look in on it on my iPad, but I don't think it's gonna let me leave a comment.
The rest of you guys, and by that I mean gals too, I luv ya, stay like u always r, and as the ex CA guv sez, aisle bee Bach.
The CartoonStock Cartoon Caption Contest No. 190
31 minutes ago
1 comment:
Hih hih hih!!)))))
yeah..check out your router too!!I use airlink 29150..and have reseted it..new settings!!yoo hoo !it works!!daadaalliiddooooo!!!!!
hope it will last!
Good luck to you!i will send you some witch power to your puter!!hahahha!!!
ehh..love your comments!!Tralla laa!!))
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