This time I was able to sit with him to watch the drawing develop (very quickly—he was fast). We talked a bit while he was drawing, and then he agreed to meet later, to sell me some more of his art and talk some more. I will post about that another time.
I was thrilled with his drawing, showing more of a Gil Kane style than most of the published comic book art does, since all that was inked by others. It was his idea to show more of Dejah Thoris than could ever be seen in the comics. The very next day I came down with the flu, and in my delerium I was transfixed with the drawing and fever dreamed a Barsoomian adventure.

that commission is beautiful. and, as you rightly say, all the more special for being inked by Gil's own hand. wow. that is a treasure, man, an absolute treasure. lucky you.
I'm basically a shy guy and absolutely dread the risk of imposing on someone's time and talent. Yet, I found time and again I was doing that with people whose work I admired. I would surprise myself by being bold enough to politely present myself to them and brave enough to politely ask for their time and talent.
If I hadn't, the opportunity would have passed, and in no time at all, it seems, these people pass from our plane of existence. I'm always gentle and polite and the worst someone can usually do is just say no.
Gil Kane, as with so many creative types, was approachable and more than glad to talk shop. I'm so glad I approached him, and as it is I obtained some other wonderful pieces from him, which I will post in time.
A great commission indeed. However, if I am not mistaken, she is still overdressed to be entirely book-accurate.
You are so right. 'Tis a shame that it's rarely truly been depicted accurately. I know that Reed Crandall drew a faithful portrayal once upon a time.
I am going to make an effort one of these days to make my own drawing that will also try to be true to the book. I'll post it then.
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