Still no computer tonight. I am bewildered.
This is a shot of my constant studio companion, Rango by name, with his pet gerbil. These two accompanied me when I used to put on art demonstrations at elementary schools. Notice the hairspray on the shelf---it makes excellent fixative for charcoal drawings. You'll have to click on the image to see the whole picture, my iPad doesn't let me have any control over the size.
I'm trying to stay calm, but I am bewildered with Apple.
The CartoonStock Cartoon Caption Contest No. 190
30 minutes ago
That's 'handy'!
More hugs...
nice!we LUUUUVVVEEEE!))))
I have bad news for you Tom - the guy you keep in that drawer is escaping.
I am very sorry that you are being treated in this manner; I wish that I had some constructive advice.
I live mostly in a Linux world, and I don't think that you would be nearly so comfortable with the graphic-arts app available in that world as you had been in the world of the Mac.
Well, Nelvitious, it's actually a young woman who is staying there and she seems to be quite comfortable, although it does seem a bit snug.
Daniel, I think I'm stuck with Mac whether I like it or not. It's an intuitive interface, which is the best I can muster in a tech process.
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