Friday, October 1, 2010

Exposition Internationale

Once again I'm in deadline crunch phase. I'll post here and there some individual images that have been scanned and waiting, but I won't have time for much explanation.

Here, a poster by one of the grand masters of art nouveau, following in the immediate wake of Mucha's upswell of technique, Henri Privat-Livemont. This image was created in 1896, for publication in 1897. Very majestic.

Privat-Livemont — Exposition Internationale — 1896


LC Douglass said...

I love the triangles and rectangles - looks like a subliminal sword in the stone motif. I will have a blog post up about the fin-de-siecle on Oct. 4 that mentions Pictorial Arts.

Artman2112 said...

that's very nicely done but man, that figure is so close to the one in Mucha's "Gismonda" that it could almost be called a swipe!