This is a thermal sort of iPad photo taken on Christmas Day at Kensington Gardens, the enchanted source of Peter Pan's origin, and one of Arthur Rackham's inspirations for his illustrations. When I get home and get back up to speed, I plan to do a special journal edition on this subject.
I'll be in transit for a couple of days, so see you in a few.
The CartoonStock Cartoon Caption Contest No. 190
47 minutes ago
Hi Thom, Interesting photo. I hope you include more photographs of the trees from your time in the park. I love Rackham's illustrations for Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, and I'm looking forward to your post. Safe travels... And Merry Christmas!
Hi Annie!
Yes, indeed, I took lots of photos of the trees and will be posting them along with other special drawings and photos in a special tribute in January
The Internet connection cut me off before I could finish. I wanted to thank you for your support and wish you and your family a great holiday time as well!
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