My deadlines are such that I've been painted into a corner and I just can't wait for the paint to dry — I have to make footprints across the floor (not a good metaphor, but it shows how desperate I am) and do what I've got to do. These projects involve a lot of design and many many illustrations, so I really need to pay attention and not get distracted.
I don't know how long this will take, these are long-term overlapping deadlines and I wake up at night with panic attacks. Blogging is my favoritist thing to do right now. It relaxes me and inspires me, but it is so time-consuming. As Pappy says at Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine, "Blogging is more work than the job I retired from".
I'd love to figure a way to monetize this blogging stuff without jamming annoying and irrelevant ads all over the place. I'm seriously working on some ideas. I've always thought of my blogs as being a haven away from the commercial world, but maybe I can think of this 'outside the box' (what a cliché, I know).
I've received so many emails from you wonderful people telling me how inspirational many of these images are to you, as students, professionals, and non-artists. The good news for you is that there are so many blogs and sites out there that are way more inspirational than mine, so you do fine without the images I toss up in an erratic and eclectic manner.
I do so enjoy sharing images and thoughts with you all. There are so many more images and in-depth facts and information that I would love to share, if I survive these next few weeks.
Please don't stop 'following' the blog. I will be back. I'll be thinking and dreaming of ways to do this here blogging stuff more full time (as well as some personal art), then you'll really see some stuff!
In the meantime, here is a handful of inspiring work, from the ever-inspiring John R. Neill.