While wandering through my pictorial morgue, I sometimes find that I filed an item years ago even though it wasn't complete.
Here's a fabulous incomplete panorama by Wally Wood from one of the early magazine format Mads. The missing section continues off to the left but that doesn't prevent me from marveling at the tremendous talent that Woody brought to bear on this scene.
Each figure is fully rendered and fits proportionally and naturally into this forced perspective birds-eye view. I recognize Richard Nixon and Joe E. Brown amongst the clowns. This is the sort of scene that people refer to when they say, "it looked like something out of Mad Magazine!"
I've posted this as a very large scan, and I hope it comes across that way. If you try downloading and then opening it, you should be able to zero in on detail. If any of you Mad fans have the whole scene, I hope you'll consider sending a large scan of it over here.

Wally Wood — "A Mad Circus"