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Variant Covers
I'm not one to normally fall for the 'variant cover' scam perpetrated by devious yankee publishers (really, I'm not . . . stop looking at me like that . . . really . . . I'm . . . not), but when it's an artist I really like . . . and . . . and . . . let me catch my breath here . . . and when you put them all side by side and it's, like, one big image, y'know . . . y'know it's almost like a poster kinda thing . . . well then, I'm hooked. I hadda go two or 3 stores to get all four variants. I mean, me buying TV Guide, I never even watch TV (really . . . I don't). I wasn't big on the Phantom Menace movie (really). I mean it was sorta fun, but really, so many flaws. But this art by Drew Struzan, OMG, flawless:

So when ya put em all together ya get this big image . . . but all that type and that bar code thingy sorta ruins it, ya know?
So it's nice to see it all, sans type . . .
Gosh I like Drew Struzan's art. I'm just an old fanboy after all.
aren't we all? the guy shaped a bunch of pop culture icons for us with his art. I wonder if anyone else has come close to doing the same sort of thing?
meeza likey dis one, meeza not seeing in a longee long time okee day!
Jar-Jar—the most irritating character in the entire history of science fiction, as far as I'm concerned.
lol, he does seem to have that effect on people, but i think he's funny!
but there was WAY too much of him in Ep I
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