Edmund Dulac — Danaë — 1917
Danaë — impregnated by Zeus, who came to her in the form of golden rain — has been a favorite subject for artists for centuries. I'm sure it has nothing to do with being a really neat rationale for painting a nude woman in her bed.
I like the border, her relaxed pose, the contented expression on her face; and the interesting detail of the beautifully pointed shoes tumbled below the bed, adding another feminine, realistic touch.
My own suspicion's long been half of these Danaë paintings were meant to be understood by the mystical cognoscenti as visual metaphors for certain spiritual/alchemical processes.
The other half were intended for less rarefied, more worldly audiences who'd immediately recognise them as alluding to such earthly - if not downright earthy - activities as bukkake parties or golden shower sessions.
I lead such a sheltered life...
Don't google those terms,Thom! Oooh, too late,eh?
Yes, too late E.G., too late.
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