Class, look at previous post—compare and contrast.

Buchanan — mock-up
I probably would clip and save the cover, for the art, but maybe not.
Apologies to Vanity Fair, current management. I'm not picking on you, per se. Don't sue me. You're a big enough entity that I'm beneath your notice. These are not the droids you're looking for . . .
It certainly makes ME want to read it!
I do not buy Vanity Fair. I could care less about the content. But if I saw that cover on my local magazine rack I would pick it up in a heartbeat, regardless of whethever was printed inside it.
Nice mock-up, BTW. Really good job!
"Paid" not "payed" !?
Hi Thom,
I would laugh, if it were not so true: all magazines cram so much text onto every cover!
When you compare the two, the original, and your mock-up, it's clear, I would much prefer to be enticed inside by beautiful cover art, prompting me to look at the table of contents, where all of that text should be; rather than have the text competing with the art, and vying for my attentioin.
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