A hedonist's delight, for adults only, the activities and wonders are truly hedonistic and full of debauchery, equalled only in the outer rings of Hades. You have an option of a week or a month to indulge yourself in luxurious sin.
The only catch is that when you leave you are given a full round of medication that completely eradicates any memory of what took place, and substitutes pleasant memories of the equivalent time at Brighton Beach.
Remember, a true Hedonist enjoys pleasure just for the moment.
So THAT'S why I felt so tired after that weekend in Brighton.
But isn't it the hedonist's memory of his last pleasurable experience which spurs him on to the next one?
Ach, what the hell - I'll take a room for the first two weeks in September.
Hun sends a question:
Before making up my mind, could you please define "PLEASANT memories of...Brighton Beach"?
Hun, for instance, you'll think that the deep red on your behind is because of sunburn at the nudist beach section. And you'll have a memory of that lovely older woman named Mathilda who asked if you would like to take a swing in her hammock. And trampolines, you'll have lots of memories of trampolines. And peanut butter.
If you had offered deep-fried chocolate bars in batter crust, I would have taken the bait. But plain old peanut butter?
I shall pass.
Hun, deep-fried chocolate bars in batter crust is what you would get in reality.
Ah well. I'll find something that tickles your phancy.
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