Zoe Mozert is one of my top favorite 'pin-up' artists, with her verve and depth of rendering. Her movie poster rendition of Jane Russell in The Outlaw is superb and a classic of the genre.

Below, you see Mozert in the enviable position of having Russell posing for her, back in 1943. The pastel painting might actually be in progress, a rarity for that kind of publicity shot.
Below, somebody else did their lurid version of Mozert's art, sensationalizing it more than it need be, in my opinion.
Below, some other artist veered off in another direction. And there are a number of other versions out there. Such as here.
Such is Hollywood.
I must confess to always being partial to Jane Russell. Superb. I actually met her leading man, Bob Hope (from the Paleface movies), a couple of times.
What an amazing life Bob Hope had. AND he got to meet YOU a coupla times!
Chortle. Yeah - he was thrilled to bits. One of my biggest fans.
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