Friday, February 17, 2012

If I Was a Kid in 1921

Boy, if I was a kid in 1921, this cover would make my heart go pitty-pat. What am I saying — it makes my heart go pitty-pat now!

Maud & Miska Petersham — St. Nicholas magazine — October 1921

The Petershams were a wife/husband art team and illustrated a LOT of books and periodicals from the 1920s into the 1950s.


Annie said...

Oh, my - I love it!

Kid said...

If you had been a kid in 1921? You weren't? (Sorry, couldn't resist it.)

Thomas Haller Buchanan said...

Kid, it gives me great pleasure to know that you're ALmost as old as me.

Yves Ker Ambrun said...

Wonderful. A species able to produce something this beautiful and uplifting can't be all bad.
Thanks, Thom.