The isolated panel below is one of my all time favorites from the golden age of 'science fiction', or more aptly 'space opera' or just plain 'fantasy adventure'. Totally unsophisticated, it is supremely iconic of the genre, from Flash Gordon to Buck Rogers and beyond. Drawn by a young Murphy Anderson, Star Pirate must have influenced Ron Goulart and Gil Kane with their StarHawks, and I'd even venture that the young Frank Frazetta probably admired this work as well.
Imagine, if you will, the pulpy smell of old comics, and let your mind unfocus from your worries as it wanders the astro lanes from distant worlds — but always keep your blaster close at hand.

Murphy Anderson — Planet Comics #50 _ 1947
Ah, Murphy Anderson - probably the best inker Curt Swan ever had.
I've always wondered whether someone could actually wear the ribbon-halter costume worn by the space babe in this picture.
I've always felt Anderson was DC's counterpart to Joe Sinnott, a superb, slick inker who could enhance great pencils (like Gil Kane or Curt Swan) and save poor pencil art (I'm too polite to name 'em).
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